lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Las personas que viven cerca del mar pueden ser más saludables.

Por Rachael Rettner

Vivir cerca de la playa puede venir con una ventaja extra: una mejor salud.

Un nuevo estudio analizo la información de más de 48 millones de personas en Inglaterra y encontraron que cuanto más cerca se vive de la costa, era más probable que la gente informara buena salud durante el último año.

Los resultados se mantuvieron incluso después de que los investigadores tomaron en cuenta factores de salud posibles, tales como edad, sexo, nivel socioeconómico, y si vivían cerca de los parques y otros espacios verdes.

La diferencia de vivir cerca de la costa es relativamente pequeña. Cerca de 1 por ciento más de las personas que viven a menos de media milla del mar informó buena salud que lo que reporto la gente de más de 30 kilómetros del mar.

Sin embargo, un pequeño efecto, cuando se aplica a toda una población, puede tener un impacto considerable en la salud pública, dijo el investigador Ben Wheeler, de Peninsula College de Medicina y Odontología en Exeter, Inglaterra.

Vivir cerca de la costa puede estar asociado con una mejor salud porque el ambiente costero reduce el estrés, según los investigadores. Señalaron que otro estudio británico encontró que las personas que hicieron viajes a la costa experimentaron más sentimientos de calma y relajación que los que visitaron los parques urbanos y los paisajes.

Sin embargo, es demasiado pronto para aconsejar a la gente a ir a la playa para mejorar la salud, dijo Wheeler. El estudio encontró únicamente una asociación, no una relación de causa-efecto, y es posible que otros factores pudieran explicar los resultados.

Por ejemplo, podría ser que las personas que son más ricos, y por lo tanto más saludable, son más capaces de trasladarse a lugares deseados, como la costa, dijo Wheeler, un fenómeno conocido como el efecto migratorio.

Pero el estudio sí encontró que la relación entre la vida costera y una mejor salud fue más fuerte para los que viven en las zonas más desfavorecidas, lo que tal vez indica que la riqueza no puede explicar los resultados, dijo Wheeler.

Debido a que el estudio se centró en sólo Inglaterra - un país insular en el que todos viven dentro de las 72 millas de la costa - no está claro si los hallazgos se aplican a otras poblaciones.

Lejos de Inglaterra, un experto en salud que no participó en el estudio, dijo que mientras la investigación británica no pruebe que la salud de la gente y el lugar donde viven están vinculados, es posible que "la proximidad a los mares... hace algo por nuestro cuerpo."

El Dr. David Katz, director del Centro de Investigación Preventiva de la Universidad de Yale Escuela de Medicina, dijo: "Sé que considero el olor del mar y el sonido de las olas como un tónico maravilloso".

Si estudios futuros confirman los resultados, el siguiente paso sería averiguar de qué se trata que los ambientes costeros beneficien la salud. Wheeler dijo que luego puede ser posible llevar esos beneficios a las personas que viven en otras áreas, a través de entornos virtuales, por ejemplo.

 Así es que aprovecha a obtener los beneficios saludables del mar. Ven y reserva en Bahía del Sol Villas & Condominiums durante tus estadías en San Juan del Sur tan a menudo como puedas para ayudar a tu salud durante tus vacaciones, días feriados o días libres, disfrutando en el ocean pacifico, en la bahía o en las demás playas de San Juan del Sur.

Contactanos a,, y a

People who live near the sea may be healthier

By Rachael Rettner

Living near the beach may come with an extra perk: better health.

A new study analyzed information from more than 48 million people in England and found that the nearer they lived to the coast, the more likely people were to report good health within the past year.

The results held even after the researchers took into account possible health factors such as age, sex, socioeconomic status, and whether they lived near parks or other green spaces.

The difference from living near the coast was relatively small. About 1 percent more of the people living within half a mile of the sea reported good health than did the people more than 30 miles from the sea.

But a small effect, when applied to an entire population, can have a substantial impact on public health, said study researcher Ben Wheeler of Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry in Exeter, England.

Living near the coast may be associated with better health because the seaside environment reduces stress, the researchers said. They pointed to another British study that found that people who took trips to the coast experienced more feelings of calmness and relaxation than those who visited urban parks or the countryside.
However, it's too soon to advise people to hit the beach to improve health, Wheeler said. The study only found an association, not a cause-effect link, and it's possible other factors could explain the results.
For instance, it could be that people who are wealthier, and therefore healthier, are more able to move to desired locations such as the coast, Wheeler said, a phenomenon known as the migrant effect.

But the study did find that the association between coastal living and better health was strongest for those living in the most deprived areas, which perhaps indicates that wealth cannot explain the results, Wheeler said.

Because the study looked at only England — an island country in which everyone lives within 72 miles of the coast — it's not clear whether the findings would apply to other populations.

Far from England, a health expert not involved in the study said that while the British research certainly doesn't prove that people's health and the place they live are linked, it's possible that "proximity to the seas … does something for our bodies."

Dr. David Katz, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School of Medicine, said: "I know I find the smell of the ocean and the sound of the surf a wonderful tonic."

If future studies confirm the results, the next step would be to find out what it is about coastal environments that benefits health. Wheeler said it may then be possible to bring those benefits to people living in other areas, through virtual environments, for instance.

So, go ahead and reserve to stay in Bahia del Sol Villas & Condominiums as often as you can to get advantage of this benefit from the pacific ocean (the bay and the beaches of San Juan del Sur) during your vacation, holidays, and days off.

Contact us at, and

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012


Nicaragua is a country known for many things: its tropical climate, beautiful landscapes and beautiful beaches. Perhaps the most famous beach in Nicaragua for local residents and tourists is San Juan del Sur. Want to know a little more?
Although Nicaragua has many beautiful beaches, San Juan del Sur is considered the best by the Nicaraguans themselves.
The city that is also called San Juan del Sur, is a quiet, tranquil and laid-back place where there is curiously not many restaurants and many nightclubs.
And is that all travelers to San Juan del Sur which are looking for peace and tranquility that we here. Although it is now a well known area, tourists continue to respect the calm of the beach and the city, even builders also because it has only a few luxury hotels.
Some tourists rent a tent and camp on the beach itself.
The people of San Juan del Sur live mostly from the sea and tourism. You will see many fishing boats, dive shops and surf shops, especially since the beach is a great place to practice these sports.
The water is crystal clear and the wind running light causes the temperature to be very pleasant to lie down to rest or take a dip.
Besides these activities, you can also go hiking and horseback riding around.
Another reason why San Juan del Sur is very known is because from here you can see spectacular views since you will see the tops of the volcanoes of Ometepe Island and some parts of Costa Rica.
The tranquility in San Juan del Sur makes, after a day at the beach, feel like going for a walk around the city.
You can go shopping in traditional shops, enter a bar listening to live music and maybe enjoy their parties, holidays and festivals.

Despite the wonderful beaches which Nicaragua has, needless to say that San Juan del Sur is the best that you can visit in this country.It is worth coming here.
One of your best options is Bahia Del Sol Villas & Condominiums for your stay in San Juan del Sur with deals, promotions, and discounts on each of the different months. 
Our property has 9 villas, and 2 pools.1 pool for adults, and 1 children's pool.
Each villa is made up of 2 floors, and each one feature 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, living room, dining room, and kitchen.
In the master bedroom there is 1 King size bed, the second bedroom 2 twin size beds, and the third bedroom 1 queen size bed. On the top floor (second floor) the 3 bedrooms are located. The main room with 1 king size bed has its own private bathroom, and the other 2 rooms share a bathroom. The rooms have central air conditioning and the master control is located in the main room. On the ground floor we have the living room, dining room and kitchen. On this floor we have a ceiling fan and a half bath (a toilet).

During your stay at Bahia Del Sol Villas & Condominiums, you can ask at reception information and reservations of different activities such as:


• Horseback Riding







• Manicure / Pedicures









Bahia Del Sol Villas & Condominiums also offers several special packages to make your stay a pleasant, enjoyable, fun and relaxing time to have an unforgettable experience during your stay in our hotel in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

 You can check with our receptionist on duty the following special packages:

• Relaxation BDS

• Spring Break

• Sun, Sand & Fun

• Honeymoon or Romance Package

• Tourism Staff

• Voluntarism

• Girls Getaway


For more information or assistance, please contact us via telephone or email.

Tel. 011-505-25682828

Cel. 011-505-87392040


In this month of October 2012 to give the chance to everyone to get to see and know Bahia del Sol Villas & Condominiums, we are offering a special discount of 50% off of the regular rate if you reserve 1 villa for 2 nights, or if you reserve 2 villas for 1 night. Also, to make this deal more attractive we are also offering this same 50% discount off for any stay on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday during this month of October 2012.

For this rate you can have a maximum of 6 people staying in a 3 bedrooms-2.5 bathrooms villa which features 1 king size bed in the masterbedroom, 2 twin size beds in the second bedroom, and 1 queen size bed in the third bedroom.
During your stay at Bahia Del Sol Villas & Condominiums, you can ask at reception information and reservations of different activities such as:
• Horseback Riding
• Manicure / Pedicures
Bahia Del Sol Villas & Condominiums also offers several special packages to make your stay a pleasant, enjoyable, fun and relaxing time to have an unforgettable experience during your stay in our hotel in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.
You can check with our receptionist on duty the following special packages:
• Relaxation BDS
• Spring Break
• Sun, Sand & Fun
• Honeymoon or Romance Package
• Tourism Staff
• Voluntarism
• Girls Getaway
For more information or assistance, please contact us via telephone or email.

Reservaciones y Marketing

Tel. 011-505-25682828

Cel. 011-505-87392040

sábado, 30 de junio de 2012

Private Nicaragua Villa For Six People - Five Night Surf & Jungle Adventure

Value: $1,150Savings: 61%
Reservations available seven days a week, subject to availability.